As founder and president of two 501c3 non-profit organizations, and as an entrepreneur, Dr. Katz has worked for years with diverse colleagues to make empowering health information and programming available to as many people as possible in the service of adding years to lives, and life to years.   The links below lead to evidence-based, health promotion programming for both children and adults, designed for home, school, and work settings.  Many of the programs are available at no cost.

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Diet ID Logo: Diet is a vital sign

Diet ID – DQPN

Diet ID™,  powered by Diet Quality Photo Navigation (DQPN™), is the first fundamental advance in dietary intake assessment in decades.  Developed by Dr. Katz and some of the world’s leading nutrition experts, this method allows for detailed dietary assessment and goal setting in mere seconds, and diet tracking with no food logging or data uploads.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: True Health Initiative - Composite head shots of professionals involved in the Initiative

True Health Initiative

The True Health Initiative is a global communication campaign, led by a worldwide coalition of leading experts from over 40 countries, working to make the fundamental truths about sustainable, healthy diet and lifestyle common knowledge.  The True Health Initiative is where science, sense, and global consensus come together in the service of adding years to lives, and life to years.

Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center Logo black background

Prevention Research Center

The Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center (PRC) is part of the Yale University School of Public Health, established in 1998 through a grant from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The PRC works with community partners to develop, implement, and evaluate community-based approaches to help prevent and control chronic diseases.

Dr David Katz Health Programs Page: Better Therapeutics - 5 health professionals of diverse backgrounds discuss at a round table

Better Therapeutics

Better Therapeutics supports lifestyle medicine to treat and even reverse diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. The Better Therapeutics program is a vital resource for physicians, individuals, and employers.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: Overall Nutritional Quality Index - Photo of a man reading the label on a jar of olives

Overall Nutritional Quality Index (ONQI)

Dr. Katz is the principal inventor of the Overall Nutritional Quality Index algorithm.  The ONQI is the only nutrient profiling system shown to correlate directly with total chronic disease risk and all-cause mortality, and is the subject of diverse articles in the peer-reviewed literature.  Developed with an international team of renowned nutrition experts, the ONQI powered the NuVal system, which at its peak appeared in roughly 2,000 supermarkets throughout the United States.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: Catherine Katz stirring food as she cooks wearing a denim apron


Catherine Katz, PhD., scientist and French foodie is Dr. Katz’s wife and founder of Cuisinicity, a healthy cooking website based on the way the Katz family eats (they have 5 children!). Catherine has generated hundreds of “loving food that loves you back” recipes, meeting the highest nutrition standards and the demands of discerning palates in adults and children alike. Her recipes have been widely featured around the world and are freely available to you at

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: ABC for Fitness Logo

ABC for Fitness

This engaging elementary school program for grades K-5 uses brief structured “bursts” of physical activity, spread out over the school day, adding up to at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity in the classroom. It is designed to convert time typically spent getting restless students to settle down, or distracted students to concentrate, into productive bursts of physical activity.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: Nutrition Detectives Logo

Nutrition Detectives

Nutrition Detectives is an innovative 90-minute program for elementary school children that teaches 5 clues to make healthful food choices using food labels and ingredient lists. It’s available in English and Spanish and includes a power point presentation, demonstration, and hands-on activity. Click on the button to learn more.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: ABE for Fitness Logo

ABE for Fitness

This free online video library helps adults to fit brief bouts of physical activity into their daily schedules. It offers options based on each user’s time, interest, need, fitness level, and setting such as the home or office. Each video includes 3 to 8 minutes of physical activity sequences for the upper body, lower body, or core. Funding was provided by the Turn the Tide Foundation and the California Walnut Board.

Dr David Katz Health Programs page: Unjunk Yourself Logo

Unjunk Yourself

These online music videos for ‘tweens (upper elementary and middle school age students) are meant to be fun and engaging, while inspiring youth to take ownership of their health. The videos encourage them to think about unhealthful ingredients that could be lurking in their processed foods, and to consider making wiser food choices.